The Man Behind the Machine


Mohamed Abdel Kader

Chief Operating Officer

Mohamed came to the United States in 2014 after leaving his home in Mauritania, Africa. While in Africa, he worked for Kinross Gold Corporation where he began as a heavy equipment operator. Demonstrating quick and complete mastery of the skills involved, he was promoted to head supervisor and safety trainer, overseeing 250 heavy equipment operators.

Kinross Gold Corporation is a Canadian-based gold and silver-mining company founded in 1993 and headquartered in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It is ranked number 4 out of 10 gold mining companies globally.

After arriving in the United States, Mohamed eventually settled in Indiana where he met his wife. In 2017 Mohamed secured a position as a Class A Operator with the Operating Engineers Local 181 Union, where he was able to quickly apply his skills. In 2019 Mohamed earned a Commercial Driver License, qualifying him to drive semi-tractor-trailer trucks. He continues to hone and perfect his skills, recently becoming proficient in the use of advanced GPS guidance. This system eliminates the need for measuring and staking a job.

Mohamed speaks French, English and Arabic.